Utah fishing report, lower Provo River

Yesterday Jimmy, fellow Park City guide and I hit the lower Provo River for some fly fishing and to come back with a solid UT fishing report.  It is fair to say we accomplished that!  With the warm weather we have been having, it has certainly made for comfortable fishing conditions.  Around ten a.m. we were surprised to have a prolific midge hatch, which left the fish gorging on tiny clusters of them.  We each took a bank and found non-stop action from fish feeding off the surface for a solid two hours, bringing to net both rainbow trout and brown trout.  For our fly set up, we used a large, blue wing pattern with a cluster midge pattern trailing it.  After the dry fly fishing came to a halt (Jimmy blamed the hovering bald eagle), we switched to a small palsa rig with a tungsten bead for weight and a small midge emergent as the trailer fly.  After all the action we had yesterday, I'd expect Park City, Utah fly fishing to only get stronger in the coming months!  -Jeff Harwin

Jimmy with a rainbow trout, lower Provo River

Jimmy with a rainbow trout, lower Provo River